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Diritto per la sostenibilità e la sicurezza

Application fee €20 one-time

Application fee is non-refundable

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This new Degree Course offers the specialised legal training required for anyone wishing to work in the fields of sustainability (economic, environmental and social) and security (both in its traditional dimensions and in those prompted by the digital revolution). The idea that animates the course is that security is one of the conditions of sustainability: development can only be said to be sustainable to the extent that it produces a framework where the protection of values such as health, physical integrity, the environment and, more generally, the exercise of fundamental freedoms is guaranteed.

Programme structure

The course does not require attendance or propaedeuticity.
Lectures are conducted by professors with the participation of representatives from the world of work and civil society, favouring a casuistic approach and with the aim of developing in the student the ability to apply the knowledge acquired to the resolution of concrete problems.
To this end, two thirds of the teaching hours that constitute each course will be delivered in telematic mode. Exceptions to this are the courses freely chosen by the student and the legal clinics, which will be delivered in a mode determined by the relevant regulations.
On the other hand, one third of the teaching hours shall be used by the lecturers for the performance of workshop activities, within the limits and according to the modalities that may be established by the University.
For the part of the course delivered in person, ad hoc materials, including multimedia, will be made available to students who are unable to attend.

Career opportunities

The aim of the course is to train professionals in the field of economic, environmental, social sustainability and security, who, due to the specificity of their preparation, are able to intercept new needs of enterprises, administrations and non-profit organisations, also in strategic and innovation terms, with a view to inclusion or progression in the former and in the latter with the assignment of high responsibility functions or the performance, in their favour, of highly specialised consultancy activities.

Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
16 Sept 2024
Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
16 Sept 2024
Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
This intake is not applicable
Studies commence
16 Sept 2024
Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
16 Sept 2024
Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
16 Sept 2024
Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
This intake is not applicable
Studies commence
16 Sept 2024